Demographics, GDP Growth & Capital Markets


As the average age of a workforce rises, its productivity growth rate inevitably declines—and this is one of the key factors affecting economic growth. This interactive tool enables you to follow the path of projected GDP growth in 22 countries.


Aging by Countries & Regions

Using data from the United Nations, this interactive tool shows the evolving demographic profile of populations by country, region or sub-region, and level of economic development. In each case, the populations you select are stratified by age groups ranging from 0−4 to 70+ over the period from 1950 to 2050.

Demographic profiles are dynamic but predictable. This interactive tool allows you to compare the distribution of any two countries’ age groups at yearly points in time from 1950 to 2100.


Support Ratios


How long the average citizen in a given country lives after retiring has public policy as well as economic and investment implications. Populations as well as individuals may be exposed to longevity risk (the risk of outliving their financial resources).

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